Irina Novikova
Director of the Foreign Education Department
I know all or nearly everything about children's and family holidays, education abroad, and the way to arrange it well at the best price. I deal with each client with great enthusiasm; do everything as if it's for me and even a bit better. I love traveling, good-quality foreign TV series, do yoga, swim and learn English. I believe children to be the best people in the world, and their education is the most exciting process in life.
Selection of courses in the fields of:

Age category
Subjects and specializations
Organization of foreign education
Wide range of languages-English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and others. The diverse geography of trips -England, Ireland, Australia, Malta, the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, France, Portugal and other destinations.
Classes At specialized courses
  • wide choice of summer and winter language camps,
  • courses for language teachers,
  • courses for lawyers,
  • courses for entrepreneurs,
  • courses for pilots, etc.
Course selection by age category
  • children (8-12 years)
  • teenagers (13-17 years old)
  • youth (17-21 years)
  • adults
  • 50+
Write to us!
And we will choose a course especially for you
Type of training you are interested in